DASRDC Policy Regarding Harassment / Sexual Harassment
At the January 6, 2002 Council meeting of the Denver Area Square and Round Dance Council, a motion was made, and passed, that the following statement be adopted as a policy of the Council.
"The Council Officers, Club Officers, or respective Board of Directors, are not to allow an environment to exits where a club member or guest can harass or be harassed by a fellow club member or guest at a Club or Council sanctioned event. Harassment is defined as any act caused by one individual to trouble, worry, or torment another individual by repeated actions when the conduct has the purpose or the effect of unreasonable interfering with an individuals social activity or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. Sexual harassment is defined as any unwanted sexual advance, request for sexual favor or any other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual natual.
The Council Officers, Club Officers, and Boards of Directors have the right and responsibility to confront or expel the offending party or parties whenever such activity is noticed or brought to their attention. Other sanctions to club members or guests will be determined by the Board of Directors or the Club Membership."
It is recommended that individual Clubs consider adopting a similar statement.