Executive Board of CSSDA 2024
Dan & Elizabeth Romero
Dan cell: 720-862-6034 Elizabeth Cell 303-638-9987
daromer-at-yahoo.com liz_thompson67-at-yahoo.com
Vice President
Lynda Law
Marilyn Berg
cell – 303-349-5896
Wanda McBride
(970) 434-3543
Past President
Art & Lilly Hardin
Home: 970-262-6415 Cell: 719-440-6415
Senior Representatives to CSSDA
Colorado West Area Square & Round Dance Council
Abby Palmer & Walt Winne
Abby 352-339-0809 & Walt 970-462-2760
Denver Area Square and Round Dance Council
Tomo Hayashi & Debra Fawcett
Tomo: 303-955-6906 Debra: 303-669-1732
skyhask155-at-msn.com (Tomo) debradeefawcett-at-gmail.com (Debra)
Mountains and Plains Square Dance Council
Bruce and Barbara Beyers
brucebeyers-at-gmail.com (Bruce) barbarabeyers-at-gmail.com (Barb)
Southeast Area Square Dance Council
Craig Galler
Junior Representatives to CSSDA
Colorado West Area Square & Round Dance Council
Pat and Wanda McBride
(970) 434-3543
Denver Area Square and Round Dance Council
Doug and Willa Bradshaw
dougbradshaw2001-at-yahoo.com (Doug) willabradshaw-at-yahoo.com (Willa)
Mountain and Plains Square Dance Council
Doug Race
Robyn Phillips
Southeast Area Square Dance Council
Walt and Lisa Bub
719-373-8383 (Walt) 719-373-8262 (Lisa)
Walter.bub335-at-gmail.com (Walt) lisambub2014-at-gmail.com (Lisa)
Committee Chairmen of CSSDA - 2023
Com Net
Ervin Wyatt
Ed Net
Lilly Hardin
cell - 719-440-0945
State Promoter Program
Proclamation Dance Committee
Marshall Blaney & Molly Baines
303-332-4212 Marshall & 720-579-5454 Molly
Marilyn Berg
cell – 303-349-5896
CRDA Liaison
Jim & Judy Taylor
(303) 669-5537
USDA Insurance
Abby Palmer & Walt Winne
Abby 352-339-0809 & Walt 970-462-2760
USDA Liaison
Lynda Law
Nominating Committee
Marshall Blaney & Molly Baines
303-332-4212 Marshall & 720-579-5454 Molly
Open Positions
Leadership Training ContactLily Hardin
USDA Insurance ContactAbby Palmer & Walt Winne |
CSSDA Web Site Contact Ervin Wyatt |
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The Colorado State Square Dance Association... |
Revision 3: The Association IS:
• An Association of Colorado Square Dance Councils to promote Square Dancing statewide.
• A communication conduit among and between the represented Councils, Round Dance
Associations, and Callers and Cuers Associations to organize, promote and improve square dance
activities in Colorado.
• A 501-C7 non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Colorado.
The Association Meetings ARE:
• A quarterly forum to exchange ideas and share concerns among the member Councils.
• A conduit to enable Networking among the Councils and their member clubs.
• To promote Council and club special dances/activities.
• A quarterly meeting of Council presidents; a forum to meet area leaders and exchange common
• To provide educational presentations.
• To assist clubs with ideas to recruit new dancers, retain and regain current and past dancers.
The Association DOES:
• Sponsor an annual Colorado State Square Dance Festival in June with a member host Council.
o Provide educational seminars at the Festival.
o Split profits 50/50 with the host Council.
o Maintain statistics of past Festivals for future planning.
• Arrange for Club insurance through the United Square Dancers of America (USDA).
• Assist new clubs to get established financially (up to $500) during their first year.
• Leadership training programs for club leaders and dancers.
• 3R (Recruit, Retain, Regain) training and ideas for Councils and clubs to introduce square dancing
across Colorado and help retain current dancers and regain dancers who are no longer active.
• Provide a Colorado State Square Dance information website.
o A forum to advertise and promote square dancing in Colorado, including Council or Club
special dances and events and National activities of interest to Colorado dancers.
o To promote square dancing to non-dancers.
o To provide a list of callers and cuers in Colorado.
o As a distribution point for agendas, reports and minutes for meetings of the CSSDA.
o To distribute current Bylaws and Policies of the State Association, including guidelines for
hosting the Colorado State Square Dance Festival.
o To disseminate forms and procedures for CSSDA grants and awards and USDA insurance
for Clubs.
o To post links to square dance related websites.
Revision 3: The Association DOES (Continued)
• Publicity statewide to help introduce square dancing to non-dancers.
• Present Dance Promoter Awards to clubs and individuals who actively promote square dancing to
the Colorado public.
• Promote Square Dancing as the Colorado State Folk Dance
o Hosts an annual Proclamation Dance at the State Capitol in Denver.
• Provide "Promenading in the Rockies Handbook" for new dancers.
• Review grant applications and recommend awards for 53rd National Square Dance Convention
• Build and maintain a fund to bid for a National Square Dance Convention or a USA West
Convention in our state.
• Sell bumper stickers to promote square dancing statewide.
• Pay for and maintains membership representing Colorado in National organizations such as the
United Square Dancers of America (USDA), and the ARTS.
• Provide information on National and Regional events such as the annual National Square Dance
Convention and USA West Regional Convention.
• Maintain Minutes of Association reports and meetings - a historical record of square dance
activities and a springboard for future ideas and activities.
• Maintain a list of past presidents of the Association.
• Have a harassment policy for use statewide.
• Appoint a Grievance Committee to help resolve issues
• Send get well, sympathy and congratulation cards
The Association Board of Directors IS
• Four representatives elected by each member Council to represent their Council, conduct
association business and elect officers of the association.
• Advised by Past Presidents who serve on the Board without a vote.
• Available to all member Councils and Clubs where ideas or concerns can be presented or shared.
• Elected Reps from each Council serve you. Let them know what you want.
The Association Officers ARE:
Elected by the Board of Directors to conduct meetings, maintain records and coordinate all Association
business and activities.
The State Association Is What You Make It…Get INVOLVED!