CSSDA Org Chart (Jan 2014)

CSSDA Org Chart (2014)

CSSDA Officers and Committees (2024)

Executive Board of CSSDA 2024

Dan & Elizabeth Romero
Dan cell: 720-862-6034 Elizabeth Cell 303-638-9987
daromer-at-yahoo.com liz_thompson67-at-yahoo.com

 Vice President

Lynda Law

Marilyn Berg          

cell – 303-349-5896

Wanda McBride                                                            
(970) 434-3543

 Past President
Art & Lilly Hardin
Home: 970-262-6415 Cell: 719-440-6415

 Senior Representatives to CSSDA

 Colorado West Area Square & Round Dance Council
Abby Palmer & Walt Winne 
Abby 352-339-0809 & Walt 970-462-2760

 Denver Area Square and Round Dance Council
Tomo Hayashi & Debra Fawcett
Tomo: 303-955-6906 Debra: 303-669-1732
skyhask155-at-msn.com (Tomo) debradeefawcett-at-gmail.com (Debra)

 Mountains and Plains Square Dance Council 

Bruce and Barbara Beyers
brucebeyers-at-gmail.com (Bruce) barbarabeyers-at-gmail.com (Barb)

 Southeast Area Square Dance Council

Craig Galler

 Junior Representatives to CSSDA

 Colorado West Area Square & Round Dance Council
Pat and Wanda McBride
(970) 434-3543

 Denver Area Square and Round Dance Council

Doug and Willa Bradshaw
dougbradshaw2001-at-yahoo.com (Doug) willabradshaw-at-yahoo.com (Willa)

 Mountain and Plains Square Dance Council

Doug Race


 Robyn Phillips



 Southeast Area Square Dance Council

Walt and Lisa Bub
719-373-8383 (Walt) 719-373-8262 (Lisa)                                           

Walter.bub335-at-gmail.com (Walt) lisambub2014-at-gmail.com (Lisa)

 Committee Chairmen of CSSDA - 2023

Com Net
Ervin Wyatt

 Ed Net
Lilly Hardin                                                                

cell - 719-440-0945

 State Promoter Program
Proclamation Dance Committee

Marshall Blaney & Molly Baines
303-332-4212 Marshall & 720-579-5454 Molly

Marilyn Berg                                                     

cell – 303-349-5896

CRDA Liaison
Jim & Judy Taylor                                         
(303) 669-5537

 USDA Insurance
Abby Palmer & Walt Winne 
Abby 352-339-0809 & Walt 970-462-2760

 USDA Liaison
Lynda Law


Nominating Committee

Marshall Blaney & Molly Baines
303-332-4212 Marshall & 720-579-5454 Molly

 Open Positions



Leadership Training Contact

USDA Insurance Contact

Abby Palmer & Walt Winne 
Abby 352-339-0809 & Walt 970-462-2760

CSSDA Web Site Contact

  Ervin Wyatt
  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CSSDA Meetings


The Colorado State Square Dance Association...

Revision 3: The Association IS:
• An Association of Colorado Square Dance Councils to promote Square Dancing statewide.
• A communication conduit among and between the represented Councils, Round Dance
Associations, and Callers and Cuers Associations to organize, promote and improve square dance
activities in Colorado.
• A 501-C7 non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Colorado.
The Association Meetings ARE:
• A quarterly forum to exchange ideas and share concerns among the member Councils.
• A conduit to enable Networking among the Councils and their member clubs.
• To promote Council and club special dances/activities.
• A quarterly meeting of Council presidents; a forum to meet area leaders and exchange common
• To provide educational presentations.
• To assist clubs with ideas to recruit new dancers, retain and regain current and past dancers.
The Association DOES:
• Sponsor an annual Colorado State Square Dance Festival in June with a member host Council.
o Provide educational seminars at the Festival.
o Split profits 50/50 with the host Council.
o Maintain statistics of past Festivals for future planning.
• Arrange for Club insurance through the United Square Dancers of America (USDA).
• Assist new clubs to get established financially (up to $500) during their first year.
• Leadership training programs for club leaders and dancers.
• 3R (Recruit, Retain, Regain) training and ideas for Councils and clubs to introduce square dancing
across Colorado and help retain current dancers and regain dancers who are no longer active.
• Provide a Colorado State Square Dance information website.
o A forum to advertise and promote square dancing in Colorado, including Council or Club
special dances and events and National activities of interest to Colorado dancers.
o To promote square dancing to non-dancers.
o To provide a list of callers and cuers in Colorado.
o As a distribution point for agendas, reports and minutes for meetings of the CSSDA.
o To distribute current Bylaws and Policies of the State Association, including guidelines for
hosting the Colorado State Square Dance Festival.
o To disseminate forms and procedures for CSSDA grants and awards and USDA insurance
for Clubs.
o To post links to square dance related websites.

Revision 3: The Association DOES (Continued)
• Publicity statewide to help introduce square dancing to non-dancers.
• Present Dance Promoter Awards to clubs and individuals who actively promote square dancing to
the Colorado public.
• Promote Square Dancing as the Colorado State Folk Dance
o Hosts an annual Proclamation Dance at the State Capitol in Denver.
• Provide "Promenading in the Rockies Handbook" for new dancers.
• Review grant applications and recommend awards for 53rd National Square Dance Convention
• Build and maintain a fund to bid for a National Square Dance Convention or a USA West
Convention in our state.
• Sell bumper stickers to promote square dancing statewide.
• Pay for and maintains membership representing Colorado in National organizations such as the
United Square Dancers of America (USDA), and the ARTS.
• Provide information on National and Regional events such as the annual National Square Dance
Convention and USA West Regional Convention.
• Maintain Minutes of Association reports and meetings - a historical record of square dance
activities and a springboard for future ideas and activities.
• Maintain a list of past presidents of the Association.
• Have a harassment policy for use statewide.
• Appoint a Grievance Committee to help resolve issues
• Send get well, sympathy and congratulation cards
The Association Board of Directors IS
• Four representatives elected by each member Council to represent their Council, conduct
association business and elect officers of the association.
• Advised by Past Presidents who serve on the Board without a vote.
• Available to all member Councils and Clubs where ideas or concerns can be presented or shared.
• Elected Reps from each Council serve you. Let them know what you want.

The Association Officers ARE:
Elected by the Board of Directors to conduct meetings, maintain records and coordinate all Association
business and activities.
The State Association Is What You Make It…Get INVOLVED!