Our Side of the Mic

by Bob Riggs

Have you ever asked yourself why you square or round dance? Do you think that everyone’s reasons to square dance are the same as yours? Do you dance for the joy of the dance? Do you dance for the fellowship of your fellow dancers? Do you dance because of the exercise? Do you dance because of the challenge of the puzzle? Etc. etc. etc.

When we visit a club we very quickly experience the energy of the club members and the guests that are attending the dance. Sometimes the excitement is evident in the first moments; sometimes a more subdued environment exists; and sometimes it is very depressing. What kind of dance would you like to attend? We believe you would want to attend a dance where all are attending to enjoy the dance, the fellowship and the fun.

For those of you who plan and participate in the production of each dance event, it has been said that “only the joy should show” to those attending. We understand that it takes effort from some of you, to plan a dance, promote the dance, setup for the dance, make sure all of the details are handled during the dance, and that cleanup is handled properly. For these efforts we THANK YOU!

Recently, we have observed the success of a few dances … many reported that the Kilowatt Eights’ 75th Anniversary Dance was a terrific time, the promotion, the setup and dance and in general the entire experience was enjoyed by those in attendance. Further, we heard that in August the Hi Country Weekend in West Cliff was a great weekend, thanks to the efforts of the organizers and the callers and cuers. These results make for successful events and strong clubs. Keep it up!

On another note: Join Justin Russell and Mitch Thompson at the council anniversary dance, November 2nd at the Arvada United Methodist Church, 6750 Carr St, Arvada, council meeting 5:00pm, Rounds at 6:00pm and squares at 6:30pm.

If you would like to contribute your thoughts directly to me, please send me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..