Our Side of the Mic

by Bob Riggs

Welcome New Dancers: This month & next we will welcome many new dancers as they transition from the class environment into the recreational square dance world. These new dancers have attended a course of “do-sa-dos, allemande lefts and having completed the prescribed course in fun, friendliness and good fellowship and perhaps even having learned a little bit” have the knowledge and experience to regularly participate in the mainstream of square dancing around the world. However, their experience is light and more time on the dance floor is needed. The CALLERLAB published Basic & Mainstream List includes the following recommendation.

CALLERLAB recommends that the BASIC and MAINSTREAM Programs, calls 1-68, be taught in not less than 58 hours. CALLERLAB also recommends that calls be taught from more than a single position (formation and arrangement) and that styling and timing be included as part of the teaching program.”

The majority of classes in the Denver Area hold classes that consist of 20 sessions of 2 hours in length, i.e. 40 hours. To accomplish the goal of presenting all 68 calls, the classes usually skimp on the teaching of styling, timing and history. All of the instructors work hard to get as much as possible into each class session, but much cannot be covered in the allotted time.

Over our years in the square dance activity we have observed that dancers with more than 100 hours of square dance experience gathered over a year or so have acquired a square dance proficiency that brings them confidence and joy. We highly recommend that every new dancer plan to continue to dance at least once a week to a variety of callers. Join your friends at a dance this week!

Events to Remember: Starting this month make room on your calendar for dance events sponsored by your club(s) and other dance organizations during the spring and summer.

April 7thFun, Friendship & Fame dance, April Council meeting, Hall of Fame presentation about 6:00pm Pre-Rounds to follow, Dance 6:30-8:30pm, Arvada United Methodist Church … join our recent graduates for this great event.

June 14-15th … 58th Colorado State Square Dance Festival, Loveland, CO … www.freedomswings2013.com

June 26-29th … 62nd National Square Dance Convention, Oklahoma City, OK … www.62nsdc.com

Also, check out the calendar on the Denver Council website: www.denversquaredancing.com or the Colorado State website: www.squaredancing.com/colorado for a large variety of dance opportunities.