Our Side of the Mic

by Bob Riggs

Happy New Year!

The Denver Area Callers & Cuers Association wish all a Happy New Year. We are looking forward to working with you to provide entertainment for your dances during 2013.

As you begin planning your Spring & Summer activities remember that State Festival is the second weekend of June in Loveland, the 62nd National Square Dance Convention is the 4th weekend in June in Oklahoma City, OK.

Recruit, Retain, Regain (3Rs) ... for all of you that dance and those reading this that haven't danced for a while or know someone that hasn't danced for a while, now is a great time to return to square dancing and to encourage those that you haven't seen for a while to return. If you attend dances and sometimes feel that you might be the cause of a square breaking down. Now is the time for you to take the opportunity to join an on-going class to refresh you knowledge and experience with all of Mainstream.  There are many classes that are continuing this month with the instruction of those calls at the end of the Mainstream list.  Please contact the caller of one of the classes or your clubs class coordinator and request to join the lessons as a student for the remaining classes.  Please note that as a student, i.e. anyone who is learning in class, you should expect to pay for the knowledge and experience that the classes provide you.  Discuss this with the caller and/or your class coordinator.  If you don't know who to contact look in the Lessons section of the DAS&RDC Bulletin for classes that started in September or October in your area.  If you need additional information or help finding a class please contact me, 303-808-7837 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..